Anyway, this blog is an attempt to increase my illustration skills and add to my portfolio. I'll be attempting to do an in-depth illustration every week based on your suggestions (which can be sent to and if you want to be credited for the idea, include a name, pen name, website, whatever you want ). I'll be willing to create illustrations off one sentence descriptions anywhere to short stories. Unfortunately, I won't read a whole book if you write one up for me. Heck, I'm even willing to attempt a different drawing style if you add that into your suggestion.
Edit: There are some things I will veto that I deem NSFW - nudity of sorts is fine, but a lady has her limits.
Send your emails!
And of course, since it's not really fair to start off an illustration blog without any examples of my illustration, I'll offer up a couple images I created this year, the first a digital drawing midterm, the second, one of my senior project series, and the third, a page from a de-motivational children's book I made called "Everyone Fails".
The Thunder Lobster |
Pan-Dimensional Mundanity |
Everyone Fails |